Black Executive Director Alliance of Detroit
The Black Executive Director Alliance of Detroit (BEDAD) is a sought after resource and advocate for Black nonprofit executives. BEDAD is currently composed of over 20 Black nonprofit executives who lead youth development organizations. BEDAD is committed to ensuring there is racial equity in the nonprofit sector and works to further the interests of the Black nonprofit community.
Supporting Our Growth
We look forward to embracing Black Executive Directors from a wide variety of nonprofits. Together, our new Alliance serves as a resource and advocate for Black nonprofit executives.
We are committed to working closely with each other, sharing supportive strategies, experiences and successes; and partnering in many ways to maximize our complementary skill sets and available resources. We understand the work that goes into building and sustaining a successful nonprofit organization and are committed to supporting others on that journey.
Our Challenge: Under Resourced
Black nonprofits tend to be disproportionately underfunded. As strong and as appreciated as our volunteer and donor communities are, there is a collective need for funding sources in covering the cost of the staff development and facilities, ultimately making the programs impossible to carry out.